Our Staff

At The Manor School, we have a team of highly dedicated staff. Each and every day they strive to provide the best possible education for all our pupils.

Leadership Team

Name Position
Mr Micheal Park Headteacher
Mrs Fiona Prendergast Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Gill Brindley SENCO

Phase Leaders

Name Phase
Mrs Becky Penny Key Stage 1 Lead
Mr Chris Foyle Year 3-Year 6 Phase Leader and Year 6 Teacher

Teaching Staff

Name Class/Year
Mrs Meabh O'Kane Reception - Caterpillars Class
Mrs Emma Cheeseman Year 1 - Emperor Class
Mrs Becky Penny Year 2 - Brimstone Class
Miss Bethan Webley Year 3 - Admiral Class
Miss Tyley Deedigan Year 4 - Monarch Class
Mrs Fiona Prendergast & Mrs Dani McMullan Year 5 - Apollo Class
Mr Chris Foyle Year 6 - Peacock Class

Support Staff

Miss Chivers HLTA
Mrs Burge TA
Mrs Blackey HLTA
Mrs Goulding TA
Miss Mills TA
Miss Osborne TA
Mrs Cubberley TA
Mrs Wells HLTA

Safeguarding Team

Name Position
Michael Park  Designated Safeguarding Lead 
Gill Brindley Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 
Fiona Prendergast Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 
Charlotte Bell Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Vicky Just Chair of Governors 

We are committed to supporting our staff team in every way that we can, including their mental health and well-being. Staff know who they can turn to with concerns and have access to external support through Care First, provided by The White Horse Federation.


The Manor School is not only a great school for pupils, it’s also a fantastic school for teachers. Working in partnership with The White Horse Federation, we offer teachers extensive support, fantastic resources, and a range of training opportunities. We welcome teachers of all experience, whether they have recently qualified or have been teaching pupils for many years. If you are interested in joining The Manor School, follow the link below.