
The Manor CofE Primary School ensures the learning children experience in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.


Our School Curriculum

At The Manor Primary School we believe in enabling all children to fulfil their potential. Every child is unique and as such bring with them individual strengths and skills that we aim to foster and develop to ensure their journey through school makes them know they are amazing, loved, valued and wonderful.

EYFS Overview

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Key Stage 1 & 2

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Curriculum Intent

Christian Values Intent:

Our intention is to embrace and develop a shared set of values in our children, preparing them for life in an ever-changing, modern world. We want our pupils to be inquisitive, resilient and independent learners and citizens.

Language-Rich Intent:

Our curriculum is planned to include high quality texts and experiences that expose them to a rich and varied vocabulary whilst providing opportunities to regularly use this in meaningful ways.

In-Depth Intent:

We aim to provide children with deeper learning experiences which allow them to make links across subjects and themes. We want to enable children to have deep learning that they can apply in a range of contexts.

Knowledge Rich Intent:

We follow a mainly knowledge rich approach to planning, teaching and learning. We regularly check the knowledge that children have retained and encourage them to reflect upon this.

Active and Enriched Intent:

Our aim is to enable children to actively participate in their learning to enable them to develop resilience and keep them motivated in life long learning. Enriched learning opportunities will engage pupils and require them to do meaningful learning and think about what they are doing. This will support our pupils in retaining more.

Curriculum Implementation

With the national curriculum as the starting point, we believe that our curriculum allows us to provide a range of opportunities for us to develop the language, vocabulary, writing and oracy experiences of our diverse community of children. In each year group, age appropriate but challenging

Where possible, cross-curricular links are established however explicit teaching of other subjects using a variety of stimuli is adopted when strong, appropriate links cannot be made. Links between previous learning are made to support deeper learning and encourage children to apply their knowledge.

Learning is carefully sequenced with frequent opportunities to revisit and build upon prior knowledge to ensure the needs of the children are met.

Children are given regular opportunities to reflect on their learning and to share what they have grasped. This might be in the form of a quiz, a presentation or a discussion as examples. Children regularly present new knowledge in the form of knowledge organisers especially in the foundation subjects and are given opportunities in all subject areas to work on final independent outcomes.

In the Subject Areas tab, you can find intent statements for each curriculum area. Each area of the curriculum contributes towards achieving our whole school intent and subsequent implementation and impact.