Welcome to Year 5 - Apollo Class!

Mrs Prendergast and Mrs McMullan - Teachers

Mrs Blackey - Teaching Assistant 

We have lots of fun topics to be taught this year including Ancient Greeks, The Tudors, The Americas as well as our core subjects of English, Maths and Science.

The children will have two reading books to take home, one is a levelled book and one is a reading for pleasure book. Please record when the children have read in their reading records- there are prizes for reading! Books will be changed every Monday.

Our PE day is on a Friday, please can the children come to school dressed in their PE kits (A yellow t-shirt (with or without a logo) or House Colour T-shirt, black shorts, dark tracksuit in winter, daps or trainers) every Friday unless told otherwise.

We also have a number of trips planned for the coming Year, more information will be sent out about this and please keep an eye out for the termly topic web which will be posted on our class website page at the beginning of each term.

It is going to be great year!

The Year 5 Team

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