Welcome to Year 3

In year 3 we have Miss Webley and Miss Mills helping us with our learning. We have lots of things to look forward to and lots of new learning coming our way. This includes some exciting history and geography topics! Alongside this we ave some fantastic stories to read this year to help us put our reading and writing skills to the test! Each child will be given the opportunity to take a book home from our school library and a levelled book to read every week but don't forget to record your reads in your reading record!

Topics we will be covering this year:

  • Ancient Egypt
  • The Iron Age
  • Geographical features of the UK and South West
  • Geographical features of the Dorset Coast


All children have a levelled book and a book of pleasure to read weekly. We ask that you try and read with your child regularly even if they are a fluent reader. Asking them questions about what they are reading to support their understanding of different stories. Children have a reading record to write down when they are reading. We aim for 5 reads a week for children to be awarded a reading certificate!


This year we are using Spelling Shed. The children will receive a sheet each week with different activities to support them with our focus words. These link with our daily sessions and we will test on the focus words at the end of the week.


We have lots of new learning in maths this year which will be supported by our lessons and our MOT sessions to recap and support us. The children will also have the opportunity to join the 10 and 20 club supporting previous learning of their number bonds. Later on in the year we will put a deeper focus on our times tables and ensuring our recall of 2s, 5s, and 10s whilst learning new number facts.

PE Days

Our PE day is Tuesday and will be taught by Miss Webley and Miss Mills. We will be covering handball, cricket, gymnastics, dance, athletics and tag rugby.

Home Learning

Crickweb - free online education resources & games
Great resources and games for all national curriculum subjects.

Jolly Learning
Making learning fun with phonics, grammar and music.

Letters and sounds
Activities to help with children's speaking, listening and phonics awareness.

Maths Timestable games.
Here is a game to help support the pupils multiplication facts.

Maths Number Bonds game
Here is a great link to a number facts games to help pupils practice their number bonds.