Year 6

Welcome to Emperor Class

Mr C Foyle - Teacher

Mrs V Chivers - Teaching Assistant

Mrs N Burge - Teaching Assistant

Here in Year 6, we strive to be a positive example for the rest of the school, through being ready, respectful and safe as well as working hard to improve in everything we learn. Children are responsible for various different jobs around school which include House Captains, Sports Ambassadors and Worship Councillors. There are so many fantastic things Year 6 have to look forward to throughout the year including a residential, a Year 6 school production and leading our Sports Day.


Your child will be given maths, reading and grammar homework every Friday. This homework will be in the form of a CGP books and it will support the children preparing for their SATs tests.


All the children have two school reading books to take home - one levelled and one reading for pleasure. We expect children to read at home 5 times a week and an adult to sign their reading record to show us that they have read.


Every day in Year 6, children will practice their times tables and arithmetic. This lays the foundation of knowledge for the children to build their maths learning on. A secure knowledge of these facts help their skills in many other areas of the maths curriculum.

PE Days:

Our PE lessons are on a Thursday with Mr Hunt. Please ensure your child has their PE kit (white/yellow t-shirt, black shorts/joggers and a black/purple jumper).

Home Learning